
Wednesday, February 02, 2011

"provide input to the Public Charter School Board about LAYC"

See this message from a Bloomingdale resident:

The Public Charter School Board (PCSB) has just announced that it has received 19 applications for new charter schools, to open in the fall of 2012. Experience suggests that no more than a handful will actually receive their charters. LAYC is, of course, one of the groups which has submitted an application for a charter. This information is available on the PCSB's website.

I can't help but notice two errors of omission in the executive summary. The first is that while the group touts its success serving families in Ward 1 and claims its intended future location is Ward 1, it fails to mention that they're actively trying to acquire a facility not in Ward 1, but in Ward 5. The second, and more egregious omission is the failure to mention - anywhere in the two page (singled-spaced, no less) summary - that the program includes over two dozen units of subsidized housing. (Needless to say, it also fails to mention the unified community opposition to the aforementioned subsidized housing.)

Fortunately, the PCSB charter review process includes the opportunity for the community to provide input. From the PCSB's announcement:

During the next seven weeks, each applicant will receive a technical review, and have an interview of the founding groups and proposed principals. Public hearings are scheduled for March 21st and March 22nd to allow applicants to present their proposals to the Board and the public, and to solicit input from the community. The PCSB will make decisions to approve or deny the applications during its April 25th monthly meeting. The executive summary of each application and more details about the process are available on the Board’s website.

I think it's worthwhile for the community to follow the PCSB's calendar and prepare to attend the public hearings scheduled for mid-late March.

LAYC never bothered to solicit our input, fortunately the Public Charter School Board is planning to do just that.

You may read the announcement here:

You may see a list of charter applications and a link to their summaries here:

You may download LAYC's summary here:


  1. Is there an email I can reach the creator of this blog at?

  2. See this message from Angie Rodgers:

    LAYC's application to the PCSB is a separate project. It is not related to our proposed expansion into the Cook School. The project is not located in Ward 5.

  3. Folks - Just a heads up, LAYC's application to the PCSB has nothing to do with the Cook School. Its a proposal for a charter school in Ward 1 that does vocational training.
