
Tuesday, February 15, 2011

seeking handyman referrals

See this message from a resident of R Street NW:

Periodically I have seen postings on here where local residents have highly recommended different handymen they have used. I was able to find a few of those people referenced in past e-mails, but upon calling the numbers listed for them, literally each number has been disconnected (and that has been the case for 3 different handymen listed on here!). I was wondering if you could please include a statement in an upcoming e-mail asking residents for recommendations for good, reliable handymen.

I need some minor door frame woodwork completed as well as some basic electrical work completed.


  1. I have had the same nightmares as you, but I have just finished up with the best contractor I have ever worked with. His prices beat anybody else, his timing and work ethic were flawless.. I HIGHLY recommend Guillermo Orantes. His cell number is 240-418-5295. Let him know I referred you.
    Matt Croke

  2. Hey, Scott. How do we send the blog messages that we'd like to be posted?

  3. I could not say better things about ANDY HENSLEY 301.660.0652. He has done a lot of small projects around the house and always does a spectacular job.

  4. Thanks for the replies. Consequently, Andy Hensley was one of the people that I called. However, the number you have listed for him dials directly into an automatic recording stating, "The number you have dialed is not reachable."

    I plan to call Guillermo who was also referenced on here and hope I have better luck there.
