
Tuesday, March 22, 2011

In Progress Shots of EC-12.

Flickr user and neighborhood blogger Sergey took these shots of the ongoing renovation of the future EC-12 on North Capitol at Quincy NW.

click here and here and you can read the many entries posted on this blog about the firehouse and the starts and stops of the project for the last handful of years.


  1. So are these recent shots? Is the project back on again?

  2. Yes, these photos were taken this past weekend. Yes, the project is back on again. Steve May, project manager and Engine Company 12 operator, indicates that he hopes that it will open prior to Independence Day. So keep your fingers crossed.

  3. What will open prior to Independence Day?

    Thanks for a great post!

  4. Pay attention!

    The name of the firehouse restaurant/tavern at 1626 North Capitol Street NW in Bloomingdale will be Engine Company 12. The website is .

  5. This is absolutely amazing and will be great for the neighborhood (and North Cap)! Thanks for the update Scott.

  6. is this planning on opening July 4th, 2011? Hard to believe, but fingers crossed.

  7. Their site currently has an open letter posted that mentions that because of lack of local ANC support etc, they have to delay opening to Sept 1 2011 (because of slower alcohol license approvals)

    Shame to see a project like this delayed because of lack of local support.
