
Tuesday, March 08, 2011

more discussion on "parking enforcement on the 100 block of T St NW"

See the original from 3/3/2011 Bloomingdale Neighborhood blog post:

Now see this additional Email exchange -- supplied by Bloomingdale resident Brice McCracken:

From: Brice McCracken
Sent: Tue, March 8, 2011 8:44:49 PM

Just wanted to update you on the progress we have made in the last week. I have continued to actively engage the members of the ANC and our Councilman about our parking concerns. While the majority of the comments I have received have been extremely supportive of the issue, I have received one comment (included below) which advocates continuing the Sunday ``business as usual`` policy for parking enforcement. If you could please again add this to the daily email and to the blog, I want to make sure that all Bloomingdale residents have a chance to voice their concerns to our elected representatives.



---------- Forwarded message ----------

From: Brice McCracken
Date: Tue, Mar 8, 2011 at 8:35 PM
Subject: Re: [BCA Board] Re: FW: Parking Enforcement in the 100 Block of T St NW (Constituent Concern)

To: T Street NW Resident:

Cc: tj quinn , ``John T. Salatti`` , ``Harry Thomas (COUNCIL)`` , ``Ayawna Chase (COUNCIL)`` , ``Fine CSA, Michael L.`` , ``Youngblood, Hugh`` , ``Fournier, James`` , bca-executive-board @

I could not disagree more. The only sustainable solution to this problem is enforcing parking laws in our neighborhood. I am not trying to take away or minimize the importance of churches in our community, however I do not think it is fair for them to have their members and congregants parking wherever they choose on Sundays because they aren`t willing to spend a few extra minutes to find a legal parking spot in the neighborhood. I assure you that we WILL make headway on this issue with or without you. However, since this is our neighborhood, I would like to involve you in the solution.


On Tue, Mar 8, 2011 at 2:11 PM, T Street NW Resident wrote:

This is not a policing issue, nor is it a law and order issue, nor is it a parking enforcement issue -- and as long as it is framed as such --- there will be no ``sustainable`` solution. If we can delete the law & order language, and indeed start talking about community institutions and traditions -- their past and current value , and what ``sacrifices`` we as a community are or are not willing to make -- then we MIGHT make some headway.

On Thu, Mar 3, 2011 at 4:28 PM, tj quinn wrote:


I am happy to help in any way possible. I also live within a block of a church and I certainly share your pain, Brice. I have called the police on a number of occasions when Sunday visitors have blocked the entrance to the alley and my garage. I have been fortunate in that the police have always been responsive but on one occasion I did have to work a little too hard to convince an officer to write the ticket. Anyway, please keep my posted with regard to next steps.

Best regards,

Teri Janine Quinn
President, Bloomingdale Civic Association


  1. I agree 100% with the T St. neighbor. Honestly, the churches are an important part of this community, whether their members live here or not. I would hope we would approach this and other concerns not by calling the police but discussing with them options and alternatives. That being said, I don't have a problem with the once-a-week parking issue; and think that this is really being blown out of proportion.

  2. Yes, they are an important part of the community, but when it comes to disrespecting the neighbors and the laws of the District of Columbia there is an issue.

    It is also not a once-a-week parking issue. I was walking my dogs on Monday night past the church at 2nd and Rhode Island and there were vehicles parked illegally then and I witnessed people exit their vehicles, parked in the MetroBus zone - which if I remember correctly was placed back in operation at request of the chruch because their congregation uses that stop - and walk into the church.

    This issue is a concern because it is a safety hazard to other motorists and pedestrians trying to enter traffic or legally cross a street, that cannot see around the illegally parked vehicles - which are only arounnd when there is a church function. Is is an issue with the majority of the churches in the neighborhood as noted by comments in the previous blog post.

    As a neighbor, I respect the church, if my dog poops in their yard, I clean it up and by law am required to clean it up. I would hope the church goers respect the neighborhood and the laws of the District of Columbia which are clearly marked by street signs and park legally in the area. Or use one of the numerous MetroBus stops or the nearest MetroRail stops.

  3. Additionally - if you read the 1st post, the ANC Officials agree there is an issue.
