
Tuesday, May 31, 2011

seeking a health & fitness trainer for early morning

See this request:

I am looking for a health and fitness trainer to work with me before work (6-7am) twice (or so) during the week. It`s time to be more intentional in this area of my life. I need someone who is inspiring, and will help me develop habits that will stick. Thanks for your recommendations.

1 comment:

  1. Hey! What are your goals? Are you looking to lose weight, gain muscle or tone, or just get into general overall shape? I'm not a professional trainer but I do train quite a few of my friends and coworkers. I've done a few marathons, 200 mile relay races and several other races. I also train in parkour, gymnastics, rock climbing and other activities. My outlook on fitness is that you should be active because that's what the human body was built for so I try to help people learn to treat exercise like something that should be part of your life rather than a chore. If you're interested let me know and I can train you some time and you can let me know if it's what you're looking for! My name is Ebo and you can reach me by phone (202.553.8522) or email ( Have a good one!
