
Tuesday, June 21, 2011

"apparently legal to sell fireworks in temporary stands in residential neighborhoods"

Here is an update on the fireworks stand on 1st Street NW -- from the neighbor who first reported it:

I called Harry Thomas` office and got the whole story.

If the sellers are permitted, it is legal to sell fireworks and apparently legal to sell them in temporary stands, even in residential neighborhoods -- that is why they often are sold by the bodegas or mini marts. According to Leonard in Mr. Thomas` office, selling fireworks is a very long standing tradition in this neighborhood and others. He says every year they get lots of complaints, and many more about the noise -- but unless the firework sellers are selling dynamite-based products, it is perfectly legal if permitted.


  1. Selling crack is a long-standing tradition in my neighborhood too. Just sayin'.

  2. Awesome! I'll be purchasing my fireworks from here along with my beer. Great to be able to get both from the same spot around the corner!

  3. Plenty to worry about besides firework stands I think. Rather see the liquor stores shut down than the stands.

  4. Why? I need a spot to get my heineken!

  5. Where do you live j? I have at least 5 liquor stores within a hop, skip and a jump from my spot. Just sayin'
