
Thursday, August 11, 2011

car break-ins around 1st & R St NW recently

See this 8/11/2011 message from a resident on the 1700 block of 1st Street NW:

From: Commissioner Youngblood
To: Resident on the 1700 block of 1st Street NW
Cc: D`Antonio Cecilia ; Davenport Stuart
Sent: Thu, August 11, 2011 10:27:52 AM
Subject: Re: Contact at MPD; Car Burglaries Near BBC

Thank you for writing.

I`m very sorry to hear about this incident (and the developing trend).

FYI, I`ve copied our Neighborhood Watch leader, Ms. Cecilia D`Antonio, and Mr. Stuart Davenport, proprietor of the Big Bear Cafe, on this message for their situational awareness.

I`ll send you the contact details for our MPD 5D Commander and Captain ASAP. Please let me know if you would also like me to send them a message on your behalf highlighting the issue.

I`ll also get the word out on the local grapevine and also on Scott`s List unless you`ve already sent Scott a request for posting. Scott provides the optimal venue for distributing neighborhood intel.

Hang in there.

Talk to you soon,


On Aug 11, 2011, at 19:45, Resident on the 1700 block of 1st Street NW wrote:


My car was broken into for the third time in 3 months last night. All the thefts have been in a 1 block radius of Big Bear.

Two things:

1. Do you have the direct email of the 5th District Captain and Commander? I would like to send an email appealing for help with this and another police matter.
2. Can you pass the word along that we have another ring of car thieves and we need to band together and keep our eyes open!

Thank you for your help.

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