
Tuesday, August 02, 2011

emergency ANC 5C meeting -- Thursday, 8-4-2011

Posted at the Eckington list by ANC 5C Commissioner Tim Clark:


Advisory Neighborhood Commission 5C, will be holding an emergency meeting on Thursday, August 4 at First New Hope Baptist Church. We will be reviewing grants, discussing the R Street bikelane and considering the ABRA application for the Firehouse, amongst other things. I encourage every resident that can to come out and participate in this meeting.

The meeting agenda is attached.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

7:00pm -9:00pm
First New Hope Baptist Church
1818 3rd Street NW


Notice & Agenda
This is to provide notice that ANC 5C will hold a Special Emergency Meeting on Thursday, August 4, 2011. The following items will be discussed:

􀁸􀀃 3rd Quarter Financial Report

o Status of Documents\Submission

􀁸􀀃 Consider Emergency Funding Request –
o Stronghold Civic Association – August 6, 2011 Event

􀁸􀀃 Consider Request for ABRA/Stipulated Liquor License…….Firehouse

􀁸􀀃 Grant Applications -The following groups have submitted applications for consideration:

􀁸􀀃 Friends of Edgewood Rec (Michael Henderson)
􀁸􀀃 Amateur Kickboxing Federation ( Michelle Hamond)
􀁸􀀃 Edgewood Farmers Market
􀁸􀀃 Perry School

􀁸􀀃 “R” Street Bike Lines………………………………………………………
􀁸􀀃 CUA South Campus Tree Planting Plan……………………….……….

PRE-EXECUTIVE MEETING – Starting at 6:00 P.M.

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