
Monday, August 15, 2011

JF Cook School news: YouthBuild seeks new partner now that LAYC got booted

Bates area resident Caryn posted an entry at the Bates Area Civic Association (BACA) blog regarding the development of the JF Cook School on the unit block of P Street NW.

You can read her BACA post here:

Caryn: ``If I`m reading this right, it looks like Youth Build is starting over in its plan to develop the Cook School WITHOUT LAYC and the housing component of the project.``

That`s correct. Youth Build is going forward with its plans to use the 1st floor of the JF Cook School for its public charter school. However, the plans to use the 2nd & 3rd floors of the school for Section 8 housing for the Latin American Youth Council (LAYC) ~ which many in the surrounding community opposed, while others supported ~- are now dead.

So no LAYC Section 8 housing at the JF Cook School.

Youth Build Public Charter School has issued a Request for Information for a development partner and tenant. YouthBuild's Request for Information, sent around by ANC 5C01 Commissioner Bradley Thomas, has been posted at the BACA blog:

You can click on the link above to read the RFI document if you like.

Washington City Paper Housing Complex columnist Lydia DePillis has a post already this morning on this news:

With Latin American Youth Center Booted from J.F. Cook School, Youthbuild Seeks New Partner
Posted by Lydia DePillis on Aug. 15, 2011 at 8:01 am

Let's see where this goes from here.


  1. Why were people against LAYC using the space at JF Cook?

  2. Check out the posts and comments at the Bates Area Civic Association (BACA) blog.
