
Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Natalie Hopkinson: "Stop picking on the Black Middle Class"

You are invited to read this article from Bloomingdale resident Natalie Hopkinson posted at

Stop Picking on the Black Middle Class
By: Natalie Hopkinson
Posted: August 30, 2011 at 12:56 AM


  1. Natalie - great article. I find it fascinating how newcomers to the neighborhood (including some of our ANC's - not that they don't work hard, because they do) have no clue (or interest) in our neighborhood's cultural history. I believe this is part of the reason why there is such a disproportionate representation at the neighborhood meetings. These are the same meetings that are slowly changing the mold of our neighborhood and I think it's high time that change was a bit more communal and less aristocratic.

    My goal is to change that this year (at least with my block). Would love to pick your brain on some issues soon!

  2. chris,
    i'm very interested in the cultural history of this neighborhood. if you're up for helping out, maybe we can work on posts for this blog concerning that. shoot me an email if interested.
