
Tuesday, October 18, 2011

ANC 5C meeting tonight, 10-18-2011

See this message from ANC 5C Chair Ronnie Edwards:

Dear Friends/Neighbors:

Attached for your review is the meeting Notice for ANC 5C upcoming October 18, 2011 Meeting. The meeting will be held at Bennett Career Institute, 700 Monroe Street NE.

We have an action packed agenda with several pressing issues, including an update on Redistricting by the Coucilmember`s office and/or Redistricting Taskforce; the pros and cons of iGaiming and an update on ANC 5Cs protest/mediatiation involving the Engine Company 12`s ABRA application. We will also be reviewing our current Grants Procedures to see if improvements are needed.

Please help with immediate distribution and posting throughout the 5C area. Thanks for your assistance and we look forward to seeing you on the 18th.

Ronnie Edwards, 5C11, Chairman
Advisory Neighborhood Commission 5C
(202) 413-2715

Government of the District of Columbia
PO Box 26183 . Washington, DC 20001 . www.ANC5C.COM

Tuesday, October 18, 2011
7:00pm -9:00pm

Bennett Career Institute
700 Monroe Street NE

Notice/Preliminary Agenda
Monthly Public Meeting

At the appropriate time, all attendees will be given the opportunity to participate in the meeting, offer suggestions and make recommendations for consideration. Unless otherwise noted, floor time is limited to 60 seconds. During deliberations, Commissioners are limited to 5-minute presentations and 90 seconds for comment. Please limit your comments accordingly. Thanks in advance for your cooperation.

Part I: Opening
Call to Order…………………..………………………………….…..Commissioner Edwards, Chairman
Roll Call/Quorum.…………………………………………………….
Adoption of Agenda
Review/Approval of Minutes.………………………………………..

 July 19, 2011 Regular Meeting
 August 4, 2011 Emergency Meeting
 September 20, 2011 Regular Meeting
 October 4, 2011 (Special Meeting)

Chairman`s Report – Summary of Meeting with Mayor
Police/Crime Report

Part II: Business Administration
Financial Report.………..…………………………..……….Commissioner Salatti, Financial Secretary
Review/Update RE: 4th Qtr Financial Report Documents..……Commissioner Ransom, Treasurer
Report & Pay Bills………………………..…………………..………Commissioner Ransom, Treasurer

Part III: Community Concerns, Updates and Resolutions
1. Community Concerns……………………………….……..………………………..
2. Parade Plans for Howard University Homecoming 2011
3. Internet Gaming (iGaming) ``Pros & Cons, Congressional Status; Economical Projections``
4. Update Re: Redistricting…….…….
 Update Re: Ward/ANC Districts
 Consideration of Bates Area Civic Association (BACA) Request for ANC Support for naming BACA as the Community Representative for First Street and Florida Avenue Park Renovation Project
5. Update/Consideration of Progress - Engine Company No. 12 ABRA Application/Mediation
6. Upcoming ABRA Renewal Licenses in 5C Area
7. Committee Reports/Updates…………………….
 Grants Committee Updates/Progress Reports
o Review of Grants Procedures
 Legislation Committee Updates
8. Meeting/Adjournment…………....………………………………………….…………………

Meetings: 3rd Tuesday each month
*Executive Meeting, November 1, 2011
*PUBLIC MEETING, November 15, 2011, (7:00 PM)
Alpha House (Mu Lambda Chapter of Alpha Phi Alpha, 2405 First Street NW
Visit our web site:

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