
Thursday, October 27, 2011

fall party and fundraiser at Crispus Attucks Park -- Friday, 10-28-2011

See this message from Bloomingdale resident Molly Scott:

Happy Fall Bloomingdale!

Imagine a cool Fall evening, kids playing football in a park, folks relaxing on benches, and strolling a stepping stone path through a glorious fall garden...

This happens right here in Bloomingdale!

It finally feels like Fall out there and the Crispus Attucks Development Corporation wants to invite everyone to celebrate the season! Come join the CADC at Crispus Attucks Park for a Fall Party and Fundraiser!

Friday October 28th
6:00 - 8:00 pm
behind 77 U St. NW - alongside the park!
*consuming alcoholic beverages is not permitted in CAP, so we will have an area set up in the back yard of #77 U Street*

For a tax deductible donation of $20 to Crispus Attucks Park we'll provide yummy seasonal drinks like spiced cider, mulled wine, seasonal beers and juice and soda for the kids. Tasty snacks for everyone and "treats" for kids and dogs too! Maybe even a neighborhood football game??

Your donation will go directly to continuing maintenance of the park, keeping it green and beautiful for the coming year. Crispus Attucks Park is a privately owned park and thus receives no money from the DC government- everything we're able to accomplish is a direct result of the support we get from the community. We know the neighborhood loves the park, because neighbors tell us what a great resource it is, how much they love walking through the park, or how much their kids love to play there- so come show YOUR support!

Please come out and join us to celebrate the park and our wonderful Bloomingdale neighborhood!

Please RSVP to scott . molly @ gmail . com by Thursday, 10/27/2011.
--The CADC Board

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