
Wednesday, November 09, 2011

"CM Thomas submitted Ward 5 redistricting plan to the DC Council one month ago"

From: James Fournier
Cc: John Salatti ; Tim Clark ; Hugh Youngblood ; Brice McCracken ; Geoffrey Hatchard

Sent: Wednesday, November 9, 2011 3:09 PM
Subject: TIme sensitive message re redistricting development

Hear this crucial news bulletin regarding the ongoing Ward 5 redistricting issues from concerned Ward 5 residents, Commissioners Tim Clark, James Fournier, John Salatti, Hugh Youngblood, and Geoff Hatchard and Brice McCracken.

Councilman Harry Thomas recently made several promises to Ward 5 residents to address the turmoil created by his redistricting plan to split neighborhoods like Bloomingdale and Trinidad into multiple ANC commissions. Specifically, Harry Thomas promised that he:

``will work to incorporat[e] concerns`` regarding re-districting ``through the task force`` (Nov. 3, 2011 e-mail);

``in an open and transparent way`` will address residents` concerns about his re-districting plan (Nov. 4, 2011 e-mail); and

``[W]ill continue to work with you and the residents of ward 5 to ensure input `` concerning redistricting (Nov. 7, 2011 e-mail).

We have just learned that Councilman Thomas nearly one month ago submitted to the DC City Council his plan to cut Bloomingdale into separate ANC commissions as well as truncate other surrounding neighborhoods. In fact, Councilman Thomas submitted his plan to the DC Council`s Subcommittee on Redistricting on or about October 11, 2011, weeks before meeting with the Bloomingdale Civic Association and repeatedly placating constituents in other neighborhoods with the promise of addressing their concerns and recommendations. In fact, he had already submitted his plan for DC Council consideration weeks before he continued making promises to the contrary.

Given Harry Thomas`s repeated disingenuousness with both the elected representatives and constituents of our neighborhoods, it is crucial to reach out to the members of the DC Council`s Subcommittee on Redistricting to express your concerns. They can be reached as follows:

Councilman Michael Brown – mbrown @ - (202) 724 - 8105.
Councilman Jack Evans – jevans @ - (202) 724 - 8058
Councilman Phil Mendelson – pmendelson @ - (202) 724 - 8064

Their bios and key staff are set forth at

Harry Thomas has already characterized as ``bogus`` and ``misrepresentative`` the proposal to keep neighborhoods like Bloomingdale and McMillan in a single ANC Commission. That proposal is the subject of a three part series in Greater Greater Washington, numerous neighborhood list discussions and recent community meetings. If you disagree with Councilman Thomas, let him and the City Council know - now.

The proposed plan will have an tremendous effect on Ward 5`s historic and close knit communities for the next ten years.

To make sure that the integrity of Ward 5 neighborhoods are preserved and the redistricting process does not fall victim to Ward 5 politics, make your presence felt. On Monday the 14th, the Ward 5 Redistricting Task Force is scheduled to meet at the Fifth District Headquarters, 1805 Bladensburg Road, NE, starting at 6:30. The meeting is open to anyone. If the Task Force clearly senses that a broad swath of the community does not approve of the plans being sent to the Council, the Task Force will likely balk at supporting such efforts.

As always, feel free to reach out to any of us should you have any questions.

1 comment:

  1. I have seen so many emails on this subject - including the responses from HTJr, it is unfortunate that he refuses to listen to and work with his constituents. It's like beating a dead horse.

    I feel this battle may have to be won infront of the whole city - at the DC Council level.
