
Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Ward 5 redistricting: final redistricting PowerPoint presentation + language corrections document

See this message from the office of Ward 5 Councilmember Harry Thomas Jr.

From: "Streeter, Racheal (Council)"
Sent: Tuesday, November 15, 2011 4:29 PM
Subject: Redistricting Final Meeting PowerPoint and Language Corrections from OP

Good Afternoon Ward 5,

Attached is the PowerPoint presentation from the final redistricting meeting held 11/14/11 along with the language corrections from The Office of Planning. If you have any questions, feel free to contact The Ward 5 Council Office.

Thank you,

Racheal L. Streeter, Administrative Assistant
Councilmember Harry Thomas Jr.
Council of the District of Columbia
1350 Pennsylvania Avenue NW Suite 107
Washington DC
202-724-8028 (office)
202-724-8076 (fax)

Unfortunately, blogspot cannot accommodate either Powerpoint .ppt files or Word document .doc files, so neither of Ms. Streeter's supplied files are provided here. I am hoping that someone can post these two files somewhere at some public location with links, so that they may be referenced.


  1. I recommend getting a free Scribd account, which allows linking and embedding. Save the PowerPoint as a PDF first, which is something you can do in Office 2007 and later.

  2. If this is the same as the printed copy of the Powerpoint that was available at the Nov 14 meeting, there is not a lot of new info included.

    Two areas which I will share:

    1-There are brief notes from six meetings, none of which are dated. There are also notes from the Oct 6 meeting, which I assume was meeting #6 - it is not clear. On the Task Force blog, there are longer notes from three meetings.

    2-"The Council will ultimately adopt final ANC and SMD boundaries in legislation...(The Council will be guided by your recommendations, though they are free to make their own decisions.)" I think this note should encourage anyone who does not like the current proposal to contact the subcommittee: CM Brown and CM Events (sic), Co-Chairs, and CM Mendelson.

  3. Scott, you can save any document to Google Docs and make it publicly available via a link from there.
