
Thursday, December 08, 2011

an alternative use proposal for Bloomingdale's McMillan Sand Filtration site -- a medical marijuana cultivation site

See this message from ANC 5C03 Commissioner Hugh Youngblood:

Dear Bloomingdalians,

Please see the following proposal for an alternative use of the McMillan Reservoir Sand Filtration site shared by a senior member of the community who lives on the Unit block of Florida Ave NW. This proposal could potentially generate a level of revenue for the City that would dwarf the expected level of revenue from the cookie-cutter mixed dense urban development project proposed by the DMPED-VMP hybrid team. Please feel free to call me or email me with your thoughts.

``After having gone to several meetings and then reading Bradley Thomas`s testimony before the City Council, I have finally figured out what is behind the redistricting flap--McMillan. Despite the protests and hard work of our honest, motivated and pure hearted ANC representatives, it appears that McMillan will be separated from Bloomingdale. The McMillan pie is so rich and is attracting so many fingers that our leaders just can`t compete with all that greed. So let`s be realistic, McMillan will be exploited to the benefit of developers and politicians rather than the benefit of the community. Knowing this, why don`t we stop trying to beat them and let`s join them. Soon we will have poor little marijuana plants growing inside nasty warehouses under artificial light all over Ward 5. If we can convert McMillan to a farm, these plants can grow in the environment nature intended: fresh air, clean soil and direct sunlight-- in a word, organic and free range. There are many out of work tobacco farmers in Calvert County who would happily do the cultivation. With proper care and fertilization, the District can grow enough marijuana to provide the medicinal needs of the whole east coast. What a financial boon this will be for the citizens of the District of Columbia. We can even end the Lottery. You know that nasty little mechanism the government uses to flitch money from the financially disadvantaged under the false promise of instant wealth. The District can even undercut the price of marijuana charged by the Mexican Cartels, striking a blow against smuggling along the Country`s southwest border. The adjacent Washington Hospital Center can reap financial gain by setting up a clinic across the street where ``headache`` prescriptions for marijuana can be obtained. Of course, we will need a gift shop on the premises to fill the prescriptions and sell the required paraphernalia: bongs, gas masks (for communal use) cigarette paper, pipes, T-shirts and hats etc., all of this to the employment and economic benefit of the District. With legalization, there will be many out of work marijuana sniffing dogs. We can create a feral colony to walk among the plants to discourage thieves. The fence around McMillan can be easily fortified with wire and guard towers to protect the plants. As the project progresses, we can add a church so that many visitors can experience a religious high. We can call it ``The Head Church of DC.`` Money will be gushing out of McMillan at a flow which greatly exceeds the amount of water which the site once produced. Of course, we can expect that the Feds will want a piece of the action. You can imagine the constituent jealousy of DC residents not having to pay any taxes as a result of the McMillan income. No problem, we`ll just trade a piece of the action for statehood, and finally we will be able to vote--thanks to McMillan. Our boring city flag can be replaced by one sporting a brightly colored marijuana plant and we can shed the old name (District of Columbia) and call ourselves the Marijuana Republic. Yes, there is a bright future for this useless piece of real estate which is no longer in Bloomingdale.``

Hugh Youngblood
anc5c03 @ gmail . com


  1. Hugh - Thanks for sharing a neighbor's biting commentary on the redistricting issue. I was actually drawn in by what I thought was a serious proposal. A morning chuckle with my cuppa joe.

    Aside from touring the site, I have little knowledge of development proposals. But I do know the deadline is here for submitting letters, emails and phone calls to the members of the council about keeping Bloomingdale united in one ANC.

    Please - EVERYONE - contact CMs today!

  2. Why is there so much venom and hostility directed towards medical marijuana?

  3. This is actually not a post against medical marijuana -- this is a screed against greed.
