
Monday, December 19, 2011

ANC 5C meeting/holiday celebration -- Tuesday, 12/20/2011

Passed along by ANC 5C04 Commissioner John Salatti:

Tuesday, December 20, 2011 The Summit
7:00pm -9:00pm 116 T Street NE
Public Holiday Celebration and Meeting
Bring a friend – let`s celebrate

Part I: Gathering 6:45 pm
Unity Call…………………..………………………………….…..Commissioner Edwards, Chairman
Confirmation of Quorum .…………………………………………………….
Adoption of Agenda
Review/Approval of Minutes.………………………………………..

Part II: Business Administration
Financial Report.………..…………………Commissioner Salatti, Financial Secretary
Review/Approval 4th Qtr Financial Rpt Documents..…Commissioner Ransom, Treasurer
Report & Pay Bills………………………..Commissioner Ransom, Treasurer
Meet the Fire Chief………..Kenneth Ellerbee, fire Chief

Part III: Community Concerns, Updates and Resolutions
1. Community Concerns
2. 225 Escot Street NE, Rear Deck Public Space Application……..Commissioner Farmer-Allen
3. Consideration of Alternative Proposals for Curb Cut - ANC 5C02 related to Dunbar High School…………………………………………………..………Commissioners Thomas and Pinkney

(Acknowledgement of Sponsors)
Each one – Bring a Friend.

Let’s Celebrate the Accomplishments of 2011
Rejoice in the Expectations of 2012

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