
Thursday, December 15, 2011

CM Thomas releases draft Ward 5 ANC SMD map; John Salatti: "Bloomingdale remains united"

See this message from ANC 5C04 Commissioner John Salatti.

Note the draft Ward 5 ANC SMD map PDF has been posted over at the Bates Area Civic Association (BACA) blog:


Hot off the presses.

I just received a copy from Councilmember Harry Thomas of the revised Ward 5 draft redistricting plan.

I have asked Scott Roberts to post the map of the plan on the Bloomingdale blog.In this draft, which still is subject to comment from the community and to votes from the City Council, Bloomingdale residents have achieved the two goals we have advocated for since October:

(1) All of Bloomingdale from Florida Avenue to Michigan Avenue remains united in a single Advisory Neighborhood Commission!

(2) All Single Member Districts in Bloomingdale (and now throughout the Ward) adhere much more closely to the 2,000-person standard laid out in the Home Rule Charter!

I thank Councilmember Harry Thomas for hearing the voices of Bloomingdale residents. He heard and he acted. We appreciate the many competing concerns he has had to consider and appreciate his willingness to put his imprimatur on a map that really is in the best interest of this community (and many others in Ward 5). I thank Redistricting Subcommittee chairs Councilmembers Michael Brown and Jack Evans and Subcommittee member Councilmember Phil Mendelson for hearing our concerns and working closely with Councilmember Thomas to create a stronger, fairer Ward 5 map. Special kudos go to Michael Brown. I have visited with him and his staff many times in the last two weeks. His door was always open to us. They have always made time to talk about the concerns we have and about the possible alternatives that would uphold the principles of redistricting while carefully addressing the concerns of Bloomingdale residents. I could not ask for more.

I reserve my biggest thanks to you all. Congratulations on your efforts. By testifying, calling, e-mailing, visiting you conveyed the seriousness with which we viewed this issue. You made a difference. You made democracy work. Thank you so much!

But the work isn't done. As I noted, this is the latest draft. It is not law yet. So my ask to you is to contact the Subcommittee and copy Councilmember Thomas:

(1) Please thank them for what they have done to bring us this new map; they have worked hard and made a lot of changes that strengthen Bloomingdale;
(2) Please ask them to enact it into law.

If you have questions about the map or about redistricting generally, please contact me.

Again, Congratulations Bloomingdale!

John T. Salatti
Commissioner, ANC 5C04
Vice President, Bloomingdale Civic Association
(202) 986-2592
"Together, Building a Better Bloomingdale"

....and see Ward 5 resident Geoff Hatchard`s post on the presented draft Ward 5 redistricting map at the Greater Greater Washington blog:


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Couldn't have done it without you, John - along with James and Hugh and all of the neighbors that banded together to make this happen.

    Our voice (big voice) was heard loud and clear.

    Thank you to everyone that continues to fight to make Bloomingdale an even better place to live than it already is!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Great news, this is a significant achievement especially during this time of hyper-partisanship and political dissatisfaction on the national level. Your voice matters! Thank you for the leadership demonstrated by our very own ANC reps. Now lets seal the deal!

  5. Excellent news. Thanks to John and everyone for all of their hard work!
