
Thursday, December 01, 2011

Commissioner Fournier: "ANC Redistricting in Ward 5 - Do NOT split Bloomingdale"

ANC 5C07 Commissioner James Fournier has asked to have this message posted.

----------Original Message----------
From: James Fournier
Date: Dec 1, 2011 12:41:19 PM
Subject: ANC Redistricting in Ward 5 - Do NOT split Bloomingdale

Dear Councilmen M. Brown, Evans, and Mendelson:

That the Chairman of ANC 5C (which includes Bloomingdale) is compelled to answer the direct question of whether the redistricting plan that Harry Thomas's office submitted was the one agreed upon by the task force with the caveats of yes, "as edited," and "following technical adjustments," speaks for itself. So does the fact the only information he has about the redistricting process is a variation of the canned campaign e-mail that Harry Thomas has been circulating, for over a week, to everyone with a question concerning redistricting - regardless of the question posed.

Everyone in Ward 5 is not stupid, and you heard many of them at the November 29th hearing. The types of answers, resolutions, and ponderously empty statements repeatedly coming from Harry Thomas and his political allies are telling and plainly suggest that they think we are.
Ward 5 residents:

If you care about the bizarre consequences of the Thomas plan, regardless of which part of Ward 5 that you may live in, take the few minutes to submit your thoughts to the members of the redistricting subcommittee receiving this email:

Michael Brown - 202-724-8105;
Jack Evans - 202-724-8058;
Phil Mendelson - 202-724-8064;

The redistricting subcommittee is co-chaired by Councilmen J. Evans and M. Brown. Harry Thomas is not on the subcommittee. And yet he was the councilman pummelled with questions about the panoramic deficiencies of his plan at the November 29th hearing. Let the subcommittee know that there is no basis for dividing Bloomingdale and that if Harry Thomas thinks that dividing Bloomingdale will make forcing his ill-conceived development plans for the McMillan site onto the Bloomingdale that he has another thing coming.

I asked Harry Thomas to explain the basis for dividing Bloomingdale at the November 29 hearing before the DC City Council.

He refused.

Telling. . . .

- Commissioner James J. Fournier(ANC 5C07) - Bloomingdale, Stronghold, Park Place, Franklin Commons

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