
Tuesday, December 27, 2011

vehicle stolen on the 2100 block of 1st St NW -- update: MPD just reported that the car has been found crashed and abandoned

Between 10:30 PM on the 25th and 9:30 AM on Monday, December 26th my car was stolen on First Street NW in between V and W. There were no signs of foul play (no broken glass or other car parts left behind) but I talked to a DC 311 operator and she said that towing was suspended in the District on the 25th and 26th and to call the police. I went ahead and filed a police report but haven't heard anything back from them. My car is a 2000 Black Jeep Cherokee, has Virginia tags and a Redskins sticker on the back window.

Now read this update:

The police just called me this morning to say that they found my car crashed and abandoned against a telephone pole in DC. Apparently the damage isn`t too bad, so it sounds like I lucked out. The scariest part about the whole thing is that the thieves didn`t break any glass-- they much have used a slim jim to get in and then hot wired the car.

1 comment:

  1. I have an older Jeep Cherokee and my car has been stolen in DC 3 times (twice in Dupont and once near Potomac Ave Metro) - every time it was in winter... cops said its normally kids joy riding as its too cold outside to loiter.

    Cops also told me the Jeep is one the easiest cars to steal as you can pop off the lock and get in and then drive the car with a screw driver.

    I never leave anything in my car, so, its not like there were things inside provoking the car to be robbed. As cheesy as this sounds, I got the 'club' and haven't had any problems since...good luck.
