
Tuesday, January 17, 2012

first Ward 5 candidate forum announced -- for Tuesday, 01/24/2012 -- at the Lace Lounge

Straight Up Politics: A space for residents to have blunt conversations about ward 5 and city politics.

As ward 5 looks to elect new leadership, it`s important that voters have an opportunity to vet each candidate and make an informed decision at the polls. Unfortunately, the short window of time and the long list of potential candidates will make it difficult for residents to get out to meetings or chase down individuals to hear where they stand on important issues. To assist voters in this process, myself along with Lace developed ``Straight Up Politics``.

Straight Up Politics is a series of candid candidate forums designed to provide residents with a relaxed atmosphere to ask tough and pointed questions that will hopefully make deciding who the new ward 5 Councilmember is a little easier. The forums will be focused on economic development, education and crime.

The events will take place on Tuesday`s and run until the special election. The first forum will be next Tuesday, January 24. The forum before the special election will be a straw poll. After the session on the 24th, candidates will be put in groups and invited back to separate forums that will focus on specific issues. Below is a schedule for the first forum.

1/24/2012 Schedule

6:30pm-7:00pm-Candidate check in
7:00pm-Candidate Introductions
7:00pm-8:30pm-Individual Questioning

If you are interested in participating in these forums please RSVP by email before COB Thursday, January 19, 2012. Please, let me know if you have any questions.

Straight Up Politics
Lace Lounge
2214 Rhode Island Ave NE
Tuesday, January 24 2012

Tim Clark

...and see these additional comments posted at the Eckington list:

Q: Lace Lounge??? Isn't that an "adult" entertainment lounge? Strange place to meet our new candidates!

Tim Clark clarifies: ``It's not an adult entertainment venue. It opened up as a lesbian lounge and has made a transition since then. They have opened their doors to the community on several occasions.``


  1. Couldn't you just leave the answer as No it's not an adult entertainment lounge... Who cares if it was a lesbain, straight, black, white, Latin... it's a lounge is all!

  2. Thanks, Tim, and others, for setting up this forum to meet the candidates. Looking forward to the first forum tonight!

    And thanks for clarifying the location. It will be a refreshing change to attend a community meeting in a non-sectarian venue.

  3. @TheCommiss, I went into detail because I received several emails asking was this a lesbian bar. While you and I may not have a preference evidently others do. I'm obviously comfortable with the establishment because I'm hosting the event there....
