
Friday, January 20, 2012

A great post concerning some history of 1700 First street nw

Check out this post about the building that is now Big Bear Cafe, over at the very cool Ghosts of DC.

a little excerpt:
By virtue of a decree passed in the Supreme Court of the District of Columbia in the case of Edith B. Fenton vs. John D. Schamel, Equity No. 29563, we will sell at public auction, in front of premises No. 1700 First street northwest, on FRIDAY, THE 9TH DAY OF SEPTEMBER, 1910, at 4:30 o’clock p.m., the following, namely: The stock of goods, fixtures, two wagons, one horse, harness, and good will of the grocery business heretofore conducted on said premises under the name of Schamel & Co., together with the unexpired portion of the lease of said premises, except as to the apartment on the second floor thereof, and a rental agreement to a stable in Reeves court heretofore used and occupied by said firm.

And This:

A grocer at 1700 1st st. nw. reported to police Tuesday that, he and his wife were about to enter their parked car after closing the store when three youths robbed them of about $150.
Carl Kaplan, 53, said one youth held and choked him while the second went through his pockets and found $120, the day’s receipts. The third bandit knocked down Mrs. Kaplan and, as she screamed, the took her purse containing $30, Kaplan said.

Read the whole thing HERE.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks Sean for the plug and the link. This was a fun one to look into. Quite an interesting history for the neighborhood coffee house. If you can think of any other cool sites to look into, let me know. I'm currently doing a little research on the cool building at 54 Rhode Island Ave.
