
Thursday, February 09, 2012

Armageddon Alert: Big Bear Cafe applies for later hours

From the Young and Hungry column of the Washington City Paper (stale news from yesterday):

Big Bear Cafe Applies For Later Hours
Posted by Chris Shott on Feb. 8, 2012 at 4:51 pm

Last call doesn`t come quite late enough for the operators of Big Bear Cafe.

The trailblazing Bloomingdale coffee shop and restaurant is asking city regulators to let it stay open into the wee hours like other D.C. hotspots. Big Bear currently closes at 11 p.m. on weeknights and midnight on weekends. The restaurant now wants to extend service until 1 a.m. all week long. It`s also asking permission to let patrons hang out on its patio later into the evening, as well. Right now, customers carousing al fresco-style have to take it inside at 9 p.m. weekdays, 10 p.m. weekends.

The restaurant is asking to extend outside service until midnight on weekdays and 1 a.m. on weekends.

What will the neighbors think? Residents weren`t entirely thrilled with Big Bear`s plans for evening hours and alcohol service in the first place. The District`s Alcoholic Beverage Control Board was scheduled to review Big Bear`s application for later hours on Wednesday.


  1. I know certain folks will have their hair on fire over this, likely due to personal grudges, but it really doesn't seem that controversial.

  2. I think that it's great that they want to extend their hours! Just shows the positive growth in the neighborhood.

  3. I live on R St and fully support their application.

  4. As I predicted BBC is going for the brass ring!

  5. Some residents WERE "entirely thrilled with Big Bear`s plans for evening hours and alcohol service in the first place." As some of us are for this extension. Good for the neighborhood! Just like Boundary Stone has been.

  6. Yes, I like it too. Big Bear is a good place to meet a friend for a chat. I'd call out Mr. Shott for adding a mildly over-the-top edge to the news with his use of "carousing" - I haven't ever seen Big Bear customers "carousing" outside, or really even inside. Especially outside, they're sitting and talking.
