
Wednesday, February 22, 2012

John Salatti drops out of Ward 5 Council race

From the Washington City Paper:

Posted by Alan Suderman on Feb. 22, 2012 at 11:33 am

Former Bloomingdale ANC commissioner John Salatti has decided to drop his bid to run for the Ward 5 seat, left open by the resignation of disgraced former Ward 5 Councilmember Harry Thomas Jr.

Salatti says he had a strong shot at winning but decided to end his campaign after reevaluating the commitment necessary to be an effective council member.

"I decided it was the best thing for me to do right now," he says.Salatti's departure is likely good news for Kenyan McDuffie, who lost to Thomas last go round and would likely have competed with Salatti for the non-Ward-5-political-establishment vote.

"We're outsiders," says Salatti of he and McDuffie, though that's not an official endorsement. Salatti, who resigned as an ANC commish when he launched his campaign, says he'll likely endorse someone after the April primary. The Ward 5 special election is scheduled for May 15.


  1. Thank you, John Salatti for your service and dedication to the Bloomingdale neighborhood as well as Ward 5 as a whole.
