
Wednesday, February 29, 2012

WCP: McMillan historic preservation application drops

See Lydia DePillis` post from this morning.

Click on her link to see the imbedded stuff.

McMillan Historic Preservation Application Drops
Posted by Lydia DePillis on Feb. 29, 2012 at 8:16 am

The Historic Preservation Review Board application for development at the McMillan Sand Filtration Plant replicates a lot of the information in the draft of the one that'll go to the Zoning Commission ( — there's no more detail on building architecture, just massing sketches—but does have a bit more information about the old stuff that's supposed to stay even as new buildings go up around it.

A citizens group ( organizing under the slogan "Development Without Demolition" (sound familiar?) has been reinvigorated, and will likely be a presence when the plan goes before the HPRB, which looks like it'll happen before Zoning.

Full application after the jump.

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