
Tuesday, March 06, 2012

at Rustik Tavern this Wednesday, 3-7-2012: Ward 5 candidate Kenyan McDuffie

Meet Kenyan McDuffie and have a drink at ``McDuff Hour`` Wednesday at Rustik Tavern in Bloomingdale.

Day: Wednesday, March 3
Time: 6pm - 8pm
Location: Rustik Tavern, 84 T Street NW

Facebook event:

About Kenyan:

Kenyan McDuffie grew up across the street from Bloomingdale and still lives in the same house, on North Capitol Street. His campaign is about restoring your faith in leadership. For far too long, our elected officials have spent their time in office launching public relations campaigns and investing our city`s resources in improving their tarnished images. As a result, we have suffered and lost numerous opportunities to create positive change through the legislative process. The consequences of our leaders cannot continue to hinder moving Ward 5 forward.

For more information check out:

Questions? Email jon @

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