
Tuesday, March 13, 2012

lost cat last seen in the alley of the 2100 block of 1st Street NW

Lost cat last seen in the alley of 2100 block of First St, NW

Bear was last seen Saturday night in the alley between V and W streets around 8:00pm. He is an indoor cat but is somewhat familiar with the neighborhood. We visited the local animal shelter and searched for him all day and night but with no success. We are offering a reward of $500 if someone finds him.

Please call us anytime at 202 then 518 followed by 418 or 202 then 359 followed by 3266 if you spot him in the neighborhood. Bear has been part of our family for 10 years and we miss him.


  1. recently seen a black cat in the 100 block of Adams at Flagler

    1. Also last night at the SE corner of Vermont and T

  2. I did see a couple of black cats on Adams at Flagler but they were not Bear. Thank you.

  3. I saw a black cat at the 1200 block of 1st street NW last night. If I see it again ill give you call. It ducked into a narrow alley by the blue building (1221 1st).

  4. Bear came home this morning after being missing for 8 days. I looked out the back door at 2:00 am and there he was skinny and dehydrated. Boy, was I glad to see him. We would like to thank our Bloomingdale neighbors who helped us in our search over the last week for Bear. Your words of kindness and acts of compassion meant more than you may have realized; from the numerous calls we received, to a neighbor giving us cans of tuna to lure a cat from hiding, and to a neighbor lending us a flashlight. We appreciate it.

  5. Happy to hear your Bear is back safe and sound!

  6. Yay, glad to hear that. I hate seeing lost cat signs, and one rarely finds out the outcome of those.
