
Sunday, March 04, 2012

a neighbor expresses frustration with the planned McMillan development project

See this Email exchange:

Hi Hugh,
Here's something that I worked up ---a little "pie in the sky" i'll admit..but I wanted to put a thought piece together to jump start a locally derived alternative plan worthy of that land...I shared with John Salatti....he seemed mildly enthusastic about it...but I think also he has a realistic view of the desire of the city to make some money on the property... he encouraged me to think more about how such a plan would generate funds for the city... I think that this is a good and useful line of thought.

Let me know what you think.... I sent it to Scott Roberts to put on the Bloomingdale blog to solicit community opinions, but no dice so far....I'm unsure if Scott ever looked at it...and i think he has forgotten about it...if you dig it, i would suggest that the next step is to share it with the community to see how it can be modified to generate local support... or transformed into a more workable community derived plan.

It's really frustrating to see this last great open space be used in the way they are proposing. It's such a waste of a world class opportunity. What they are proposing is so uncreative and so yesterday.... not really about the future in any way.


On Mar 3, 2012, at 12:43 AM, Commissioner Youngblood wrote:

Hi T,
Thank you for writing.

The VMP-DMPED team is trying their best to accelerate the process.

I'm working with a group called Friends of McMillan Park to remove VMP due to the lack of an RFP process etc and to advance an alternative plan to develop a world class park with community amenities (museum, meeting space, etc) and sustainable economic underpinning via industrial and commercial reuse of the caverns and other historic structures where possible.

What would you most love to see happen at McMillan?

Have a great day,

On Thu, Mar 1, 2012 at 11:56 AM, T

yes,... also the mockups online aren't the ones that i saw.... the park was much bigger ...and it was in a diagonal across the property, not a single corridor... regardless, there is so much wrong with this plan it's hard to know where to begin.... I'm im more or less pro-development (of some kind).


On Mar 1, 2012, at 4:49 PM, John T. Salatti wrote:


The Council has not approved this plan, but the District is moving forward with the various approvals that would be needed before the Council votes. So the community still has a lot to do to have an impact on the final plan that gets to the Council.

Thanks for your continued sharp eyes on this project.

John T. Salatti
Vice President, Bloomingdale Civic Association
(202) 986 - 2592
"Together, Building a Better Bloomingdale"

On Thu, Mar 1, 2012 at 10:23 AM, T

I've been following (from here in Africa) the McMillan stuff pretty closely and when I was there in 2010 i took place in all the VMP community meetings. I'm really surprised that this plan is nearly at implementation phase. I have never seen where it was voted on and approved by the City Council. I thought the whole H. Thomas victory was in part about stopping this ghastly plan from going forward. Is this my imagination or has this thing just gone behind closed doors to finalize it?

Am i missing something or they simply circumventing the community now in pushing this thing forward?


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