
Tuesday, March 27, 2012

North Capitol Main Street shared vision for 2012: meeting this Saturday, 3-31-2012

North Capitol Main Street Volunteer Success Stories . . .
A Shared Vision for 2012

Call me crazy, but I believe the desire to see thriving neighborhood-serving businesses -- restaurants, retail, personal service businesses, drycleaners, banks, etc -- is one that is shared by most of the residents within the North Capitol community and one that we can all support as an achievable outcome.

Over the years, NCMS has been lucky to be supported by volunteer residents and businesses who can visualize all of the above and more. Progress has been steady. Businesses are opening, getting spruced up, growing and becoming notable throughout the city for good service and good food.

Our job has been to create the climate for this to happen and this year we need your help in a big, big way to continue progress.

On Saturday, March 31st, from 10:00 am to 1:00 p.m., you'll have an opportunity to hear about what's on the menu for 2012 and how you can help us acheive some real, tangible results in your neighborhood this year .

Hope to see you there, Pat Mitchell, Chair

Volunteers Enable Programs that Help Keep the Community Clean

Ever wonder about the guys in the blue uniforms that keep the streets clean, public trash bins emptied, the sidewalks swept and the graffiti removed? Say hello to the guys of the North Capitol Main Street Clean Team This program is paid for through the Dept of Small and Local Business Development and without NCMS, this program would not exist.

Some of you've asked: "Why don't they clean my street?" The answer is: The NCMS Clean Team

provides cleaning services to the No. Capitol-area neighborhood business corridors. (Even though they routinely clean out public trashcans that are overflowing with residential garbage and remove trash from private residences as well.)

And... their service doesn't stop there. During snow storms they shovel sidewalks; during the spring they plant and mulch; during the summer they rake and bag -- literally tons of trash over the years. They have even given hand to remove bulk trash for neighborhood businesses. So the next time you see one of the guys in blue, tell them what a great job they're doing. And do us all a favor -- put your trash in your own Super Can!

Volunteers Create Beautiful Neighborhoods

What a fantastic volunteer story this is. Tom Noll, creative landscape artist, less than two years in Bloomingdale, decides to adopt a park and go for it. Tom, we need your talent!

Volunteers Help Create a Sense of Place

There are three distinct neighborhoods within the NCMS service area -- Bloomingdale, Eckington, and the Bates Area/Truxton Circle. Wouldn't it be awesome if each neighborhood had its own distinctive brand, its own sense of place?

Got ideas on how to make this happen?

Please come out on Saturday morning and share your ideas on how we can begin to make this happen in 2012!

Saturday, March 31, 2012
10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.
St. Martin's Catholic Church
Pioneer Room
North Capitol & T Streets, NW

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