
Monday, April 16, 2012

agenda for the next ANC 5C meeting -- Tuesday, 04/17/2012

Below and attached is the agenda for the ANC 5C Monthly Meeting, Tue, Apr 17, 2012, 7:00pm-9:00pm. [note that new ANC 5C04 Commissioner Mark Mueller will be formally introduced.]

Tuesday, April 17, 2012 Franklin Nash UM Church
7:00pm -9:00pm 2001 Lincoln Road NE (at RIA NE)

Notice/Agenda ANC 5C
Monthly Public Meeting

At the appropriate time, all attendees will be given the opportunity to participate in the meeting, offer suggestions and make recommendations for consideration. Unless otherwise noted, floor time is limited to 60 seconds. During deliberations, Commissioners are limited to 5-minute presentations and 90 seconds for comment. Please limit your comments accordingly. Thanks in advance for your cooperation.

Part I: Opening
Call to Order………………………………………………………….…..Chairman Edwards
Formal Intro of New Commissioner – ANC 5C04
Roll Call/Quorum.………………………………………….……………Commissioner Ransom
Adoption of Agenda
Review/Approval of Minutes…………………………………………….Commissioner Brent
March 20, 2012

Part II: Business Administration
Financial Report...………….………..…………………..……….……….Commissioner Ransom
Report & Pay Bills/Auditor’s Release of Allotment…….…..…….……Commissioner Farmer-Allen
ANC Security Fund Update
Update re: Purchase of Pooper Scooper……………………………….Commissioner Brent

Part III: Community Concerns, Updates and Resolutions
1. Police Report – Update re: Shootings in 5C area………………….…..MPD, 5th District
2. Rhode Island Ave Gateway Development - 2321 4th St NE….....……Commissioner Phillips
Mr. Kenneth Brewer - H Street Community Development Corporation
3. BZA Application for Car Port Variance……………………….…….Commissioner Farmer-Allen
David E. Perkins – Resident/Owner
4. BZA Application for Child Development Center……………..………Commissioner Fournier
(2909 North Capitol Street NE) Christy Moseley Shiker, Partner, Holland & Knight
5. FCC Regulatory Issues…………………………………………….……Commissioner Ransom
Ms. Patricia A. Chew, Sr. Consumer Education & Outreach Specialist
Federal Communications Commission (FCC)
6. Update Re: Washington Gas/Pepco Rate Increases………………….Commissioner Ransom
Mr. Laurence Jones – Office of Peoples Counsel
7. Community Garden @ Edgewood Recreation Center………..……………Commissioner Grant
Cassie Phillips
8. 2012 Meeting Schedule…………..………………………………Commissioner Ransom/Pinkney
9. Update on Medical Marijuana Cultivation Centers
& Projected Release of Provisional Dispensary Applicants……………Chairman Edwards
10. Community Concerns

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