
Saturday, April 28, 2012

Arcadia Mobile Market to be at 3rd & Elm St NW on Wednesdays from 4 pm to 7 pm

I spotted this item from the notes of the Thursday, 04-26-2012 LeDroit Park Civic Association meeting:

Benjamin Bartley with Arcadia Mobile Market – Mobile Market will be at 3rd and Elm ST Wednesdays from 4 to 7pm through the end of October.

So I googled "Arcadia Mobile Market" and found

And here is the info on the mobile market:

Our Mobile Market Project is a visible, direct way to navigate urban spaces and bring fairly priced, fresh produce and dairy to communities with the greatest need. Beginning this summer, the Mobile Market – a retrofitted, biodiesel-powered school bus – will hit the road making weekly market stops, delivering healthy food to local neighborhoods, and working with schools to provide nutrition education. We are committed to making these goods both affordable and accessible, and will offer as many payment options as possible.
Wednesdays 4:00-7:00pm
Ledroit Park/Common Good City Farm, Corner of Elm St and 3rd St, NW

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