
Friday, April 27, 2012

at 2nd & U St NW: house broken into and items stolen

See this Friday afternoon, 04-27-2012 message from a neighborhood resident:

I`m writing with the sad news that our house was broken into this week and many of our things were stolen.  We did not do the deadbolt to our basement door and the robbers kicked it in.  I`m going to write in soon with a list of the biggest, most recognizable things that were stolen (so that maybe someone may see them around town), but for now
I just want to urge everyone to be extra safe. 
The police officers says this is one in a wave of robberies in our neighborhood.


  1. I am so sorry to hear this. We live just north of 2nd and U St., and experienced the EXACT same type of break-in in early Feb. - sounds like a carbon copy - and they made off with a number of items as well. Since the cops came to the scene and filed the initial police report, we have had absolutely no communication from MPD. I assume there has been no progress in the case and I have to wonder if they made any effort to track down the perp or stolen goods. It makes me angry that someone else has now been victimized, probably by the same individual(s). Let me know if we can do anything.

  2. See this 04-30-2012 post from the Eckington list:

    I am new to this list but just wanted to let you know that our house (224 V Street) was burglarized yesterday (Sunday, April 29) sometime between 9:30am and 5pm. We were not home, and the thieves broke (kicked) in the basement back door and stole a TV, a white Apple laptop, a hot pink iPod nano, a Wii, a small video camera, change, and other items from the house. They also stole a blue sheet, a
    grocery bag, and the garbage can, so we believe that they transported the items in the grocery bag and/or garbage can out the back of the house and through the alley that runs between 2nd and 3rd streets, south of Rhode Island Ave.

    We did call the police, gave them serial numbers, and we understand from other neighbors that other houses in the neighborhood have had similar burglaries. If you heard/saw anything that might be helpful to the investigation, please email me (angmill08@...) or call the police directly.

    Everyone is OK and the landlord is taking some security measures (alarm, bars) to make sure this doesn't happen again. I just wanted to let you know so you can be aware!

    -Angela Miller

  3. I am sorry to read about all these break-ins and hope everyone files police reports and urges MPD to crackdown. It's been a while since I've seen any police cruisers in any alleys, nor have I seen any other police presence. Does anyone know what MPD really is doing about this crime wave?
    Also, I guess it's time for me to go through my house and make sure every door and window is well-locked.
