
Monday, April 02, 2012

hearty neighborhood participation in this past Saturday`s North Capitol Main Street 2012 annual meeting

North Capitol Main Street held its 2012 Annual Meeting -- its "Vision Sharing" session -- on Saturday, March 31, 2012 from 10:00 am to 12:00 noon at St. Martin`s Catholic Church at T & North Capitol Street NW.

NCMS President Patricia Mitchell opened up the visioning session with an introduction of the board members and Camille Nixon of the DC Department of Small and Local Business Development. Pat then briefly reviewed the NCMS accomplishments for the past twelve months.

Three brief presentations followed by three projects chairs. Roxanne Wallace, head of the Storefront Improvement Program (SIP) project, spoke about the prior SIP program successes, how the SIP program works and issued a call for volunteers. Scott Roberts described the social & print media project, which includes maintaining the website. Sara Kaufman spoke on fellow NCMS board member Geovani Bonilla`s promotion and marketing project, "Center of the City".

The presentations then progressed into three break-out sessions by project. The break-out discussions garnered input from eager volunteers to advance each project`s goals.

Follow-up meetings for each project will be organized in order to continue with the spirited enthusiasm from the attendees.

North Capitol Main Street will continue to reach out to residents by offering volunteer opportunities to serve your community!

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