
Monday, April 23, 2012

John Salatti: "Make History by Electing the Ward 5 Councilmember: Kenyan McDuffie" -- meet & greet on Tuesday, 4-24-2012

See this message from Bloomingdale resident John Salatti:
Make History by Electing the Ward 5 Councilmember: Kenyan McDuffie


Next month people in this community have the ability to decide who the next Councilmember for Ward 5 is going to be. That`s right. If we are serious, get behind a strong candidate, and vote in numbers, the people of Bloomingdale, Eckington, Stronghold, and Truxton Circle can put the next Councilmember into office. Please join me to make history because we have a candidate: Kenyan McDuffie.

This Tuesday the 24th meet and talk with Kenyan, our next Councilmember. Join me at St. George`s Episcopal Church at 2nd & U NW starting at 7:00 p.m. Bring your questions. Bring your enthusiasm. Bring your support. We need a Councilmember who knows our area and will be responsive to our needs. No one on the ballot can do those two things better than Kenyan. Those two characteristics will make Kenyan a staunch ally in our efforts to ensure that the development of the McMillan Sand Filtration Site in northern Bloomingdale respects the neighborhood and its needs while at the same time becoming a showcase for the best and most creative development in the city. This DC-registered historic site in the heart of the capital deserves nothing less. And as someone who grew up on North Capitol Street in Stronghold and who is raising his family across from McMillan now, Kenyan`s door will be open to us and he will stand with us to ensure that whatever is done at McMillan is done well.  

Of course, I can cite other reasons for my support of Kenyan. He is not a part of that network that has profited in Ward 5 at the expense of the residents. He has an agile mind. He cares about what happens to people and the community. He has a strong value system and is not going to end up in jail. All that puts him above most of the other candidates, but it is his relationship to us along the western edge of the Ward and his willingness to put the community`s vision for McMillan on equal footing with developers` desire for profits and the city`s desire for more tax revenue that makes him the go-to choice for us. The latter two desires are real and appropriate, but so is the former. With Kenyan, you will have a seat at the table.

So please come out Tuesday evening and join me in celebrating Kenyan and a new day for Ward 5. And if you need a yard sign, I will gladly deliver one to you. If you have a question or concern that you'd like Kenyan to respond to, just let me know. I`ll get you an answer.

Have a great day and see you at St. George`s,
John.Salatti @
(202) 986- 2592
``Together, Building a Better Bloomingdale``

1 comment:

  1. "He has a strong value system and is not going to end up in jail. All that puts him above most of the other candidates,..."

    I don't know whether to laugh or cry.
