
Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Teri Janine Quinn comments on last night's raucous Bloomingdale Civic Association meeting

See this message from the president of the Bloomingdale Civic Association, Teri Janine Quinn:


I have served as president of the Bloomingdale Civic Association (BCA) since January 2011. In that time we have never had a meeting like the one we had yesterday. Our regular attendees can attest that our meetings are generally orderly, productive and cordial. I am disappointed that that was not the case last night. The BCA Executive Board will meet and identify ways to effectively manage the kind of disruption we experienced last evening. To those of you who offered encouraging words of support after the evening -- thank you. There have been many BCA meetings after which neighbors and visitors have offered kind words but last night your support was especially appreciated.

Please know that the BCA Executive Board, with the help of many other generous volunteers, has worked tirelessly to build a civic association that we can all take pride in -- and we have been successful in that regard. For example, we have hosted and sponsored events that were educational, improved the neighborhood, and provided opportunities to build positive relationships between neighbors whose paths may not have otherwise crossed. Those events include COVE candidate forums every Thursday (3/22/12 through 5/3/12), which provide an opportunity for you to meet and learn about each candidate for the Ward 5 council seat, beautification projects and an incredible house tour last summer. We are doing good work for Bloomingdale. Please know that we will continue, as we have in the preceding months, to host meetings that are informative, productive and, above all, civil. The BCA has come a very long way but there is much work left to do if we are to make Bloomingdale the best it can be.

Yesterday may have been marred by hostility and unneighborly conduct, but those of you who have been with us for the long haul know very well that that was not representative of the way we conduct business in the BCA. I cannot promise you that this will be the last bump in the road, but I can promise you that the BCA, with your help, will keep doing good work in this neighborhood. I encourage you to continue to help us as we strive towards a better Bloomingdale by attending BCA meetings and supporting our events.


Teri Janine Quinn
President, Bloomingdale Civic Association


  1. Can anyone who was there help provide details? Saw some tweets on this too, but nothing clear on what the heck is going on! Thanks.

  2. Agree with Ryan... someone needs to summarize the meeting! Thanks!

  3. sounds like it wasn't boring at all, please, some details-- who was speaking, what were the issues of controversy (if any) and who said what to whom about what...sorry I missed it!
