
Wednesday, April 04, 2012

two McMillan activities this Saturday, 4-7-2012

1) McMillan Community Meeting – Saturday, 04/07/2012

From Dianne Barnes:

The McMillan Project Community Meeting
Saturday, April 7th, 2012 - 2PM – 5PM
The Summit Apartments
116 T St, NE

MAG (McMillan Advisory Group) is sponsoring a second meeting to hear community issues, concerns, and ideas about the McMillan Project.

For more detailed information, please call Dianne Barnes, 202 then 387- followed by 2497.

2) We Heart McMillan Park Party & Exhibit Opening at Big Bear Cafe – Saturday, 04/07/2012

Subject: McMillan rally

This is a rally in support of the McMillan Sand Filtration Site.The event will have music and information about what the future holds or could hold for McMillan.

WE ♥ MCMILLAN PARK PARTY & Exhibit Opening (DC)
Saturday, April 7, 2012, 7:00pm - 10:00pm at Big Bear Cafe

1 comment:

  1. The McMillan Park Party has been postponed. Check out their facebook page for details.
