
Monday, April 23, 2012

upcoming four McMillan salons - on historic, transportation, stormwater and fiscal impact & developers

See this 4/23/2012 message from Tania Jackson:

These are the topics and dates for the upcoming four salons on the McMillan Sand Filtation site development project:

Historic: 4/25/2012
Transportation: 4/30/2012
Stormwater: 5/2/2012
Fiscal Impact and Developers: 5/7/2012

All Salons will begin at 7PM, and will be held at Big Bear Cafe. In order to attend, attendees MUST call me for an appointment.

Tania Jackson
Phone 202 355 8998
Email: mcmsalon @

This information is also being posted on the Envision McMillan website.

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