
Sunday, April 08, 2012

Ward 5 precincts 19 & 135 voter turnout * decreased * relative ranking -- bzzt!

So how did the two voting precincts that include Bloomingdale -- precinct 19 (south of Rhode Island Avenue NW) and precinct 135 (north of Rhode Island Avenue NW) -- do in the Tuesday, April 3, 2012 DC primary election?

That is, how did the voter turnout in precincts 19 & 135 compare with Ward 5's sixteen other precincts?

Here you go:

Precinct Voter Turnout
66 1033
67 817
69 500
72 493
71 443
74 436
68 426
139 418

19 412
135 391

77 341
73 314
44 302
75 299
70 296
78 267
79 120
76 67

Both "Bloomingdale" precincts clearly fall within the middle-third of Ward 5 eighteen precints -- actually, right in the middle!

Has the voter turnout for 19 and 135 been higher in the past?

Yes, indeed.

Our turnout has taken a bit of a dive.
Not good.
The * next * opportunity for voters is on Tuesday, May 15, 2012, for the Ward 5 council special election.
A * perfect * opportunity for voters to come out and improve our relative ranking within the 18 Ward 5 precincts.
We can do better, yes?

I have raised this topic off and on over the past 10+ years.

See this Bloomingdale listserv Email from November 2008:

This Bloomingdale Email focuses upon a single topic -- voter turnout in the two voting precincts that include Bloomingdale -- Precincts 135 and 19.

(Here is a map of the Ward 5 precincts -- including 135 and 19: .)

Why an interest in voter turnout in elections?

Axiom: Precincts with higher voter turnout are more likely to retain attention of the elected Ward 5 councilmember, whomever he or she may be.

Therefore, it is perhaps in Bloomingdale's best interest to promote improved voter turnout -- and to improve Bloomingdale's precinct standing in Ward 5.

In the February 2008 election, Precincts 135 and 19 made it into the top third of Ward 5 precincts (see the 2/17/2008 Bloomingdale Email copied in below).

Let's try to at least RETAIN the current ranking -- and hopefully INCREASE our ranking on Tuesday, November 4, 2008.

I have copied in below the February 17, 2008, Bloomingdale Email, following the February 12, 2008 election.

Ward 5 Voter Turnout On Primary
Election Day, 2/12/2008, by Precinct

I am supplying below the voter turnout for each of Ward 5's eighteen precincts. This data is from the DC Board of Elections and Ethics website,

For comparison purposes, I am supplying the results from the 9/12/2006 election, followed by the 2/12/2008 election.

The chart below lists the precinct number, followed by the voter count from the 9-12-2006 election, followed by the 2-12-2008 results. This chart is in precinct number order.

I have bolded the voter count numbers for Precincts 135 and 19, the two Ward 5 precincts that include Bloomingdale.

Precinct # / 9-12-2006 voter total / 2-12-2008 voter total

Precinct 19: 940 / 1123 ("south" Bloomingdale + Truxton Circle)
Precinct 44: 749 / 880
Precinct 66: 1853 / 1997 (Precinct 66 typically has the highest Ward 5 voter turnout.)
Precinct 67: 1346 / 1417 (and Precint 67 usually comes in 2nd place)
Precinct 68: 786 / 853
Precinct 69: 926 / 939
Precinct 70: 622 / 689
Precinct 71: 845 / 926
Precinct 72: 1100 / 1149
Precinct 73: 770 / 818
Precinct 74: 1012 / 1115
Precinct 75: 724 / 824
Precinct 76: 212 / 204
Precinct 77: 780 / 821
Precinct 78: 661 / 737
Precinct 79: 344 / 378
Precinct 135: 837 / 991 ("north" Bloomingdale + the Stronghold)
Precinct 139: 694 / 794

Now here is the same data as above -- this time, sorted in voter turnout order, using the 2/12/2008 numbers.

Again, the three columns of data are: precinct number, the voter count from the 9/12/2006 election, and the voter count from the 2/12/2008 election.

======================= top third

Precinct 66: 1853 / 1997 (Precinct 66 typically has the highest Ward 5 voter turnout.)
Precinct 67: 1346 / 1417 (and Precinct 67 usually comes in 2nd place)
Precinct 72: 1100 / 1149
Precinct 19: 940 / 1123 ("south" Bloomingdale + Truxton Circle)
Precinct 74: 1012 / 1115
Precinct 135: 837 / 991 ("north" Bloomingdale + the Stronghold)

====================== middle third

Precinct 69: 926 / 939
Precinct 71: 845 / 926
Precinct 68: 786 / 853
Precinct 77: 780 / 821
Precinct 73: 770 / 818
Precinct 44: 749 / 880

====================== bottom third

Precinct 75: 724 / 824
Precinct 139: 694 / 794
Precinct 78: 661 / 737
Precinct 70: 622 / 689
Precinct 79: 344 / 378
Precinct 76: 212 / 204

In this past Tuesday's primary election, 5 of the 18 Ward 5 precincts had higher vote counts than Precinct 135: Precincts 19, 66, 67, 72 and 74. Back in the 9-12-2006 election, it was indentical.

For Precinct 19, there were only THREE precincts in Ward 5 that higher voter turnout counts: 72, 66 and 67. Back in the 9-12-2006 election, FOUR of the 18 precincts had higher vote counts than Precinct 19: 66, 67, 72 and 74.

So Precinct 19 has moved up one slot.

Overall, not bad.

The two precincts that include Bloomingdale are firmly in the top third of the Ward 5 precincts.

Enough to retain the continuing attention of the elected Ward 5 councilmember?

I would think so.

Will Bloomingdale ever catch up with Ward 5's "power" precincts --Precincts 66 and 67?


  1. I will admit a big fat guilty as charged on not turning out to vote this time around, though I have voted in the past in my 5+ years in Bloomingdale.

    The biggest reason for the times I don't vote? Because it's a big fat pain in the behind to live on the south side of the 100 block of RI Ave NW and stare at Mt. Bethel that I cannot use as my voting location, but instead have to work my way over to Dunbar High School.


    Call me whatever you want, but it's a deterrent when our household has two full time working adults and two small children to have to truck that far out of the way.

    If I could walk across the street the half block to Mt. Bethel, I'd be there for every election. As it stands, I'll admit, I pick and choose.

    All that said, of course I will be out to vote on May 15.

  2. I hear ya, Ryan. I lived at 1st and Seaton and had to do the same routine, and when I moved across RIA to V Street NW, it was tremendously easier to vote.

    There's actually a lot of early voting opportunities, which I've been doing lately and works great!

  3. Quick thanks to John Salatti who reached out via email after seeing my comment and is hooking me up with some vote by mail info to make it a little easier. @Nolan - agreed, I think the early voting option can help too, I've gotta take the time to look into that a little more.

  4. Ryan and John - Maybe you can share your info with voting info here. In the meantime, I copied and pasted.

    This is the link for requesting a ballot.

    And more special election info. My understanding is that there will also be early voting at Turkey Thicket, but BOEE has not updated their site.

    Special Election for Ward 5 Member of the Council of the District of Columbia

    Election date:
    May 15, 2012
    Contests on the ballot:
    This special election has been scheduled to fill a single vacancy in the office of Ward 5 Member of the Council of the District of Columbia.
    Candidates who have filed to appear on the ballot
    Sample ballot (when available)
    Eligible voters:
    All registered voters in Ward 5 are eligible to vote in this election.
    Map of Ward 5
    Where and when to vote:
    Voters may choose to cast ballots early, by mail or using either paper ballots or touch screen voting equipment at their assigned polling place on May 15, 2012.
    Early voting:
    Old Council Chambers
    One Judiciary Square
    441 4th Street, N.W., Suite 250 North
    Saturday, May 5 and Monday, May 7 - Saturday, May 12
    8:30 a.m. – 7:00 p.m.
    By mail:
    Requests for an absentee ballot must be received by May 8, 2012. An absentee ballot request form can be submitted here. Ballots must be postmarked by Election Day and received by the Board within 10 days of the election.
    At the polls:
    Only the 18 polling locations in Ward 5 will be open. You can look up your assigned polling place here.
    Polls open on May 15 from 7:00 a.m. – 8:00 p.m.

  5. I'll try again - here is a cut and paste from BOEE - I heard there will also be early voting at Turkey Thicket.

    link for absentee ballot

    Special Election for Ward 5 Member of the Council of the District of Columbia

    Election date:
    May 15, 2012
    Contests on the ballot:
    This special election has been scheduled to fill a single vacancy in the office of Ward 5 Member of the Council of the District of Columbia.
    Candidates who have filed to appear on the ballot
    Sample ballot (when available)
    Eligible voters:
    All registered voters in Ward 5 are eligible to vote in this election.
    Map of Ward 5
    Where and when to vote:
    Voters may choose to cast ballots early, by mail or using either paper ballots or touch screen voting equipment at their assigned polling place on May 15, 2012.
    Early voting:
    Old Council Chambers
    One Judiciary Square
    441 4th Street, N.W., Suite 250 North
    Saturday, May 5 and Monday, May 7 - Saturday, May 12
    8:30 a.m. – 7:00 p.m.
    By mail:
    Requests for an absentee ballot must be received by May 8, 2012. An absentee ballot request form can be submitted here. Ballots must be postmarked by Election Day and received by the Board within 10 days of the election.
    At the polls:
    Only the 18 polling locations in Ward 5 will be open. You can look up your assigned polling place here.
    Polls open on May 15 from 7:00 a.m. – 8:00 p.m.

  6. People of Bloomingdale - you HAVE to do better.

    It's time to put a little fear in your hearts. If you don't have HIGH turnout, you're essentially dooming us to the good chance that Delano Hunter will be your councilmember. Are you ready to let apathy give you that gift?

    Get serious. VOTE!

  7. Updated info from BOEE site on early voting-

    Special Election for Ward 5 Member of the Council of the District of Columbia

    Election date:
    May 15
    Calendar of Key Dates and Deadlines *
    Contests on the ballot:
    This special election has been scheduled to fill a single vacancy in the office of Ward 5 Member of the Council of the District of Columbia.
    Candidates who have filed to appear on the ballot
    Sample ballot (when available)
    Eligible voters:
    All registered voters in Ward 5 are eligible to vote in this election.
    Map of Ward 5 *
    Where and when to vote:
    Voters may choose to cast ballots early, by mail or at their assigned polling place on May 15.
    Early voting using a paper ballot:
    Old Council Chambers
    One Judiciary Square
    441 4th Street, N.W., Suite 250 North
    Saturday, May 5 and Monday, May 7 - Saturday, May 12
    8:30 a.m. – 7:00 p.m.
    Early voting using a touch screen ballot:
    Turkey Thicket Recreation Center
    1100 Michigan Avenue, NE
    Saturday, May 5 and Monday, May 7 - Saturday, May 12
    8:30 a.m. – 7:00 p.m.
    By mail:
    Requests for an absentee ballot must be received by May 8. An absentee ballot request form can be submitted here. Ballots must be postmarked by Election Day and received by the Board within 10 days of the election.
    At the polls:
    Only the 18 precincts in Ward 5 will be open. You can look up your assigned polling place here.
    Polls open on May 15 from 7:00 a.m. - 8:00 p.m.
