
Wednesday, May 02, 2012

ANC 5C special meeting – Tuesday, 05/08/2012

From: Brookland Resident
Sent: Wednesday, May 2, 2012 9:43 AM
Subject: [ward5] Public Notice ANC5C Special Meeting May 8th 2012, All Nations Baptist Church 2001 North Capitol St NE, 7pm [1 Attachment]
[Attachment(s) from Brookland Resident included below]
ANC 5C will host a Special Public Meeting on May 8th, 2012. The regular May Public Meeting will be held on May 22nd 2012
Special Meeting Details
Where: All Nations Baptist Church, 2001 North Capitol St NE, Washington DC
When: May 8th, 2012
Time: 7 - 9pm
Agenda Items for discussion
Review of BZA Application- 18354
Child Care Development Center
(2909 North Capitol Street NE)
Christy Moseley Shiker, Partner, Holland & Knight
The Showtime – ABRA-089186
Gathering Spot – Coffee House
(Beer, Wine, Spirits and Finger Foods)
113 Rhode Island Avenue NW
Rosemarie Salguero
BZA Application – 18340
Construction of 10x13.5 Ft Addition to Rear of House
2312 First Street NW
Eugene Duda – Homeowner
Studio Artist
52 0 Street NW
Raye Leith
ABRA License Renewals – 5C02
Super Liquors
1633 North Capitol Street, NE
Big Ben Liquors
1300 North Capitol Street, NW
Update – McMillan Sand Filtration Site

1 comment:

  1. Note the agenda includes three ABRA items -- for Showtime, for SuperLiquors and for Big Ben.
