
Friday, May 25, 2012

Burglary at 3rd and P

I received this message today and was asked to pass it on.

"Our home was burglarized on the evening of Sunday, May 20th around 8:45 PM. We live near 3rd and P streets NW. We had two Apple laptops, an iPad, and two road bikes we'd bought that day stolen from the house. If you saw or heard anything suspicious around that time, please let us know. Also, if you see anyone on a road bike (they were silver and black, though I suspect they've been spray-painted since then) that has new Schwalbe wheels, clip-in pedals, and U-lock mounts, please let us know as well. 

Picture of bike:

We can be reached at Thanks, neighbors."

1 comment:

  1. Hopefully the people the did this were the ones that were just arrested.
