
Tuesday, May 01, 2012

rats around Thomas, U & 1st St NW; ANC 5C04 Commissioner Mark Mueller weighs in

See this Email thread passed along by Bloomingdale resident Craig Bowman:

We do need to reach as many residents of Thomas Street/U-Street/1st Street N.W.
We do have a serious Rat problem in this area.
Please Post this as well on the List SERV

Thank you


From: Mark Mueller

To: Craig Bowman, gerard.brown1 @
Cc: Assorted neighbors
Sent: Tuesday, May 1, 2012 3:30 PM
Subject: RE: Bloomingdale Rats

Mr. Brown and Mr. Bowman,

Thank you very much for working on the horrible rat problem we have in Bloomingdale.  This is an important issue to me since my block (Between 1st & Flagler/U & W St NW) became overrun starting about 2 or 3 years ago. 

In October of 2011, John Salatti (our then Commissioner), neighbors and I called 311 to report the problem.  I turned in the attached petition only to receive a notice that the city inspected & saw no signs of rats. 

This was extremely surprising since my back yard was dug up with approximately 15 large holes, my bushes were collapsing into sink holes that I kept filling in, one garage has a cartoon looking hole chewed into it, and back yards had rat feces in various places.  The rats actually charged toward my tenant twice trying to get into her place when she comes out her basement apartment (rats running right through her two dogs).   We sit out at night on a balcony with drinks, rocks and a BB Gun shooting at the rats as the fight, play and run through our alleys and yards....I could go on and on. 

When the city didn`t come through for us, I took up killing them myself.  My tenant is paying for Terminex to treat her apartment & the yard.  I set traps nightly and take plenty of pictures to prove to the city that we actually do have rats ~ I`ve attached 2 ~ please excuse the rather unprofessional pictures.  I found rats living in the walls of my newly renovated house and had to flush them out.  My neighbor has them infesting his garage and now has traps covering the floor.  For some reason the traps are not working as well as they used (the still get set off, but don`t catch the rats) to traps pose a danger to cats and possums ~ one cat got caught in my trap and took it two yards away, so I had to move them into my neighbor`s garage.  The rats seem to avoid the traps more and more.

As a new Commissioner I had planned to take this back up with the city.  I have been flooded with work, so am happy Mr. Bowman pushed it forward.  A 1st st neighbor approached me as recently as last night to complain about the rats on my block.  I would be extremely grateful if the city would do something to help on both of these blocks and any others around Bloomingdale.  I may not be able to make the 10am meeting as I work at NIH in Bethesda. 

Please let me know if there is anything else I can do to make something happen.


Commissioner Mark Mueller
100 block of W Street NW
202- 200-  3191
anc5c04 @

From: Craig A. Bowman
To: ``Brown, Gerard (DOH)``
Cc: Assorted neighbors
Sent: Tuesday, May 1, 2012 1:56 PM                                                                                            
Subject: Re: Bloomingdale Rats

Thanks Mr. Brown.

The house is at 1936 First Street, NW.



On May 1, 2012, at 1:52 PM, Brown, Gerard (DOH) wrote:

We will meet you at your house 1935 First st NW.

Gerard Brown
Program Manager | Bureau of Community Hygiene | Rodent and Vector Control Division | HRLA DC Department of Health | Government of the District of Columbia
899 North Capitol Street, NE | 2nd floor | Washington, DC 20002
Office: (202) 535-2636
Mobile: (202) 834-6314
Fax: (202) 442-9430
email: gerard.brown @

From: Craig A. Bowman
Sent: Tuesday, May 01, 2012 1:46 PM
To: Brown, Gerard (DOH)
Cc: Assorted neighbors
Subject: Bloomingdale Rats

Hello Mr. Brown,

It was a pleasure talking with you this morning. I`m grateful for your interest in helping to solve this problem.

As I mentioned in our call, I`ve lived at 1936 First Street, NW for 12 years. In all of that time, I`ve never seen so many rats as I have this spring. My neighbors, many of whom are copied above, have echoed similar concerns.

We`re very hopeful that your task force can help us to solve this problem. I`ve also copied our new ANC Commissioner, Mark Mueller, on this email.

As you indicated, your team will meet here at 10am on Friday, May 4th to view our various properties—particularly those who share the alley between U and Thomas Streets—and make plans for thorough rat abatement efforts.

I`m happy to serve as your point of contact and my information follows below.

Thank you again,


Craig A. Bowman
1936 First Street, NW
Washington, DC  20001

----- Forwarded Message -----
From: Craig A. Bowman
 To: gerard.brown @
Cc:  Assorted neighbors
Sent: Tuesday, May 1, 2012 1:45 PM
 Subject: Bloomingdale Rats

Hello Mr. Brown,

It was a pleasure talking with you this morning. I`m grateful for your interest in helping to solve this problem.

As I mentioned in our call, I`ve lived at 1936 First Street, NW for 12 years. In all of that time, I`ve never seen so many rats as I have this spring. My neighbors, many of whom are copied above, have echoed similar concerns.

We`re very hopeful that your task force can help us to solve this problem. I`ve also copied our new ANC Commissioner, Mark Mueller, on this email.

As you indicated, your team will meet here at 10am on Friday, May 4th to view our various properties—particularly those who share the alley between U and Thomas Streets ~ and make plans for thorough rat abatement efforts.

I`m happy to serve as your point of contact and my information follows below.

Thank you again,



  1. I live in LeDroit Park and previously lived on Randolph Place btw North Cap and First. Last spring the rats there were overrunning the block and alleyways. My neighbors and I all called 311 and the rat abatement team came out several times to put out bait. I appreciate their effort but it didn't really seem to do much good in lessening the rat infestation. Good luck to you all. Hopefully if everyone calls in, the city will be forced to take more forceful and meaningful steps to eradicate the problem.

  2. Consider further rodent intrusions when excavation begins at McMillan for the proposed high-density development on the site. Especially given the volume of residential (single and multi-dwellings) along with the commercial office space being proposed by the city and the developer.

    Such a massive project at McMillan would require rather deep and extensive excavation on probably most of the site's 25 acres, hence the rodent problem could worsen for the community. Please understand that there is nothing the DC government or Vector control can do once the invasion begins.

    A few years ago construction on North Capitol street resulted in an influx of rodent infestation as far down as 100 block of Michigan Avenue. Residents of the Cloisters Apartments in that block, according to officials of the complex, said the North Capitol Street construction was the direct source of vermin that invaded the units at the Cloisters.

    I'm sure ANC 5C chairman, Com. Edwards, could attest that there was indeed such a pesky problem, in that he's a resident at that complex.

    While the city may make light of citizen complaints about this matter, however, they will not be with you as you and your loved ones are trying to get these germ-ridden critters out of your house or its environs. I've linked an article you might find "enlightening."

    Gwen Southerland
