
Friday, May 11, 2012

updates to Portrait City DC: Maybelle Bennett & Jim Hill

Newest Additions to Portrait City DC Website: Maybelle Taylor Bennett and Dr. Jim Hill
See this message from LeDroit Park resident Robert Sullivan and the team behind
Maybelle Bennett and James Hill are the newest additions to the Portrait City website.
Maybelle Bennett talks about Anacostia (``Dumping Ground`` and ``Anacostia``) and also about her student activist days (``Non-Negotiable Demands`` and ``Family Tradition``). There is a very interesting segment on Howard University`s relationship with LeDroit Park (``Vacant Houses``) back in the days when the neighborhood thought of Howard as a slumlord. And much more: we know Ms. Bennett through her community work, and we think she`s one of the finest people we know.
One of the very good things about living in LeDroit Park is hanging out on Jim Hill`s porch and talking about just any old thing. He took us on a walking tour of the 400 and 500 blocks of T Street NW, with a little bit of Howard Theatre history to boot. Professor Hill is a unique combination of dignity, outrage, and humor, and we hope to spend more time talking with him on his porch.
Robert Sullivan

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