
Thursday, May 31, 2012

WCP Loose Lips: "Kenyan McDuffie Officially Joins D.C. Council"

Okay, and here is this morning's Washington City Paper Loose Lips article on yesterday's Kenyan McDuffie swearing-in ceremony.  I included the comments posted so far.

Posted by Sudip Bhattacharya on May. 31, 2012 at 9:40 am

Once the Honorable Erik P. Christian administered the oath of office on Wednesday afternoon, Kenyan McDuffie became Councilmember Kenyan McDuffie of Ward 5.

When McDuffie first appeared in the standing-room-only crowd, the audience stood up and applauded for him. When he started speaking about the support he received from his family and especially from his wife, those seated responded, ``Amen,`` as if the Wilson Building were a church.

Then again, McDuffie for some represents change that`s needed in the District, after the disaster that was Harry Thomas Jr.`s downfall. Which may explain the packed house to watch him be sworn in. McDuffie shook hands with supporters after the ceremony was officially over, then took pictures with everyone in the room who asked, before heading to his new office in room 410.

He shook hands through the hallway and hugged, shook hands and hugged, shook hands and hugged. Food was served in his office as a line formed. Staff carried plates of macaroni, veggies, and chicken wings to their desks and through the growing crowd.

Between taking photos with his family and greeting supporters at his office, McDuffie stopped to chat briefly with Washington City Paper.

``I`m going to reach out to have the most transparent and inclusive office,`` he said.

As for what kind of councilmember the residents of Ward 5 can look forward to?

``Expect a councilmember who will hold himself to the highest personal standards of integrity,`` McDuffie said. ``Expect a councilmember that`s going to be inclusive, who is going to represent every neighborhood in the entire ward and reach out to every person throughout the ward. Expect a councilmember who is going to work to achieve results.``

And with that, it was back to the party.


KeepinItReal May 31st, 2012 10:27 am


Be careful Kenyan. Don`t turn your back on the constituents who put you there and DON`T take your job for granted. You have 2 years, which means you will be back on the campaign trail in 1. There will be a Mayoral election at the time you are up for re-election. Voter turnout in Ward 5 will be high already. Higher if you do an Adrian Fenty on black folks in Ward 5.

Throw The Book May 31st, 2012 11:25 am


Good for ward 5, I just hope that McDuffie works hard so that families can be proud generational washingtonians like he claims. Because if he is with the progressive crew, I can assure you all the native washingtonians will be kicked out of Ward 5.

Barrie Daneker May 31st, 2012 11:27 am


McDuffie is not a progressive he`s a forward thinker who will include everyone in the future of DC!

Ward 5 res May 31st, 2012 11:49 am


Kenyan McDuffie for Mayor!!!!!

Throw The Book May 31st, 2012 12:38 pm


@Barrie sorry to burst your bubble, but this is politics, not singing around a camp fire. Although ``everyone`` seems to love McDuffie, not EVERYONE votes, there is a difference.

I wish the best for McDuffie, but he is only a couple hours into office. Once he settles in and learns the harsh realities of DC politics, his demeanor will change and so will his target party who he must please to get re-elected will change.

Everyone loves, not everyone donates money and votes. Remember that!!

N.E. John May 31st, 2012 2:15 pm


I`m with you my brother from NE!

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