
Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Bloomingdale community walk -- Friday, 06/29/2012

ANC Commissioners Mueller, Youngblood, and Fournier Invite You to the next Bloomingdale Community Walk

Help Bloomingdale continue to grow into a safer and friendlier neighborhood!

Who:You! ...and your children, dogs, friends, etc.
All are welcome to come, regardless of where you live. The walks deter crime and build community as we meet neighbors all over Bloomingdale
When:Friday, June 29, 2012 at 7:00 p.m.
Where:Northwest corner of 1st and Rhode Island NW(Meet in front of Windows!)


  1. From a 1st Street NW resident:

    A suggestion for the ANC reps on the next bloomingdale community walk. Could you please make an effort to collect and properly dispose if the paper flyers that you circulated (littered) our neighborhood with last week? It's a shame that such outreach effort came in the form of trash and litter on our streets. At least an effort should be made to clean these up the next day after careless distribution. Next time, think through the full distribution and disposal process before putting out flyers.

    I suggest giving everyone a small bag to collect these and other litter along the community walkway. Every little bit helps beautify our lovely community.

  2. Serious question - not a critcisim of the comment:

    I would be interested in hearing a little more detail about the problem with the flyer distribution. "Careless distribution", in the sense that they were not secured to a door handle or fence? I distributed flyers for a meeting last fall and found it very difficult to determine the best place to leave one at each house. I've always heard you are not suppose to put them in mailboxes. Do you have any suggestions? I don't really like flyers, but it seems the only way to connect with each house.

    I didn't notice any littering near my house. The flyer was the most valuable flyer that I have ever received in Bloomingdale - such a relief from the campaign and pizza flyers! I wss actually thrilled to get it from our ANC commissioners!
