
Tuesday, June 12, 2012

group of 20-something people "up to no good" in the alleys around unit blocks of U, North Capitol & V NW

From a North Capitol Resident:
This past Sunday [6-10-2012] in the middle of the day, there was a large group of people standing in the alley of the 2000 block of North Capitol NW.  After pulling into my parking and getting out of my car, one of them threw a rock as soon as I was out of their field of view (they were down the alley a few houses away and my retaining wall is pretty high).  The rock hit my car door rather hard and chipped the paint.  Nonetheless because they could not see where I was at that point, I chose not to confront them because quite frankly, there were simply too many to potentially fight.  Instead I went into my yard and called the police.  The police arrived and went back to the alley to talk to the group.  As I could not identify the thrower or know for sure whether they were throwing the rock at my car or me (for legal purposes it matters because one is assault and the other is not), I did not go with the police so I do not know the outcome.  Nonetheless, here is what I want everyone to know: The police were familiar with this group and not one of them is a teen. They are all in their early 20s and illegally street gamble quite a bit.  The police also suspect them of other illegal activity in the area.  The only thing that caught my eye about them before the rock was that at least one of them was big—around 6`5 and wearing a white tank top.  They`ve been frequenting the unit blocks of V, North Cap and U Street—particularly in the alleys.  At least several members of this group are up to no good.  
So if you see them be aware—as you might get a rock thrown like a fast ball for no other reason than your existence.


  1. This may be the same group who gambles with jacks on the south side of 1st street between Rhode Island and U Streets NW. One of them is quite large, as you described.

  2. Were any of them were named Big Jule, Sky Masterson, or Nathan Detroit?
