
Sunday, June 10, 2012

introducing the Ecumenical Council

Are you familiar with the Ecumenical Council?
The official name is the "North Capitol Street & Rhode Island Avenue Ecumenical Council."
The Ecumenical Council is comprised of these seven Christian churches: St. George`s Episcopal Church, Metropolitan Wesley AME Zion Church, Mt. Bethel Baptist Church, St. Martin`s Catholic Church, World Mission for Christ Church, Mount Pleasant Baptist Church and Franklin P. Nash United Methodist Church.
The NC/RI Ecumenical Council boundaries include the DC neighborhoods within Ward 5 that stretch from Florida Avenue NE to Rhode Island Avenue NW and from 4thStreet NE to 4th Street NW. Together, the seven Christian churches, situated within these boundaries, have a combined membership of over 4,000 families and have served the spiritual, educational, and social needs of their communities for almost 20 years.
So now you know.
Look forward to a post shortly about an upcoming Ecumenical Council event in the community!
Here is info on the Ecumenical Council board:

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