
Friday, July 20, 2012

? aid with filing a claim regarding flooding ?

Catching up on Emails, etc. -- see this message from a neighor near 2nd and Floida Avenue NW:

My basement unit flooded for the second time in a week last is the third time in three years that it has flooded....I am finding that DCWASA is giving me the runaround ....someone came out and left a note on my door that they had responded to my call...well they came at 1:20am and their "report" said that they flushed the main line and found all to be ok so it must be MY problem. When the street floods and there is water coming UP through MY pipe from the city, that isn't my problem, and no one at WASA seems to want to acknowledge the issue with the city pipes when I call. I do not have insurance that covers this....and if I did, I think three claims in less than three years would put me dangerously close to being I would like to know if any other residents have had ANY success is getting paid back for work done to repair damage and or for lost items....I have tenants in my basement unit and am fearful they will want to move out. Any advice from residents on a successful claim filing would help ease my mind since I am paying out of pocket for everything at this point. I would also like to know if anyone has had success with a water door barrier....I think one was posted years ago on the list serve and I'm calling to order two for either side of the door....just curious if people have found this to be helpful if they have one.


  1. 11 years ago I tried to hold DC Water accountable and got nothin.
    Sorry, I wish I could say something hopeful.

  2. Scott, please reach out to us at and we'll put you in touch with our risk manager. Can't guarantee you'll get the outcome you're seeking, but we can at least make sure you understand how the process works and get an audience.

    DC Water
    Office of External Affairs

  3. Yes, same problem here at Florida Ave and 6th street...
