
Sunday, July 22, 2012

bicycles stole on Sat, 7-21-2012, from garage near 2nd & V St NW

See this Saturday afternoon, 07/21/2012 message: 

"We live near 2nd and V Street NW and just had three bicycles stolen out of our garage in the alley sometime between 11:30 am - 2:30 p.m. today.  They are all fairly distinct bikes.  One is a red folding dahon eco with a leather saddle (non-standard to this bike), one is a blue and grey folding dahon speed 7, and one is a black steel tube framed bike without markings but with taped touring handlebars. The black bicycle is fairly new and has new tires.  They also stole the helmets.  If you could get the word out I would really appreciate it. Folks can contact me at 435 then 640  then 8034."


  1. Most likely stolen by kids living on Flagler near v st NW. Also seen steeling child's bike from near 1st and w along with a vespa over last days, which a neighbor thankfully ran out and stopped the kid before he git away with vespa, dropping it and running. These kids were also seen stealing there neighbors bikes and were seen breaking into cars on bryant. Cops have been called often and everyone should join to pressure this home and the landlord and authorities. Enough is enough. Get cameras and set up decoys. Cops apparently not able to take care of it, so community needs to pitch in.

  2. What color is the house where they live? We suspect these bikes may have been taken by our neighbors who live in the vicinity that you mention (especially after a strange conversation we had with one of them when going door to door to ask if anyone had seen anything). However we have no definitive proof. We can only ask that people keep an eye out and let us know if they see anything suspicious, like someone from that area loading a folding bicycle into the trunk of a car...
