
Monday, July 30, 2012

DC Office of Planning wants to hear your views on the District`s present and future

From: ``Crain, Deborah (OP)``
Sent: Monday, July 30, 2012 6:03 PM
Subject: Citizens Planner Focus Groups

The DC Office of Planning Wants to Hear Your Views on the District`s Present and Future

Washington, D.C., has seen significant changes over the past ten years.  After decades of population decline, the District has seen a solid decade of population growth, and that growth is continuing.  New services such as the Circulator bus, bikesharing and carsharing make it easier for residents to get around the city.  At the same time, the historic character of our city makes the District of Columbia a place of great attractions and destinations, unique and vibrant neighborhoods, and interesting streetscapes and public spaces.  Because the greatest assets of our city are its residents and neighborhoods, the D.C. Office of Planning wants to hear from you—as the District moves into its future, what do residents across the city care about most?  What are the best ways to engage you and other residents to discuss the impacts of future growth in the District, its preservation and stewardship, and prosperity for all residents?

In a partnership with The American Institute of Architects (AIA) DC Advocacy Committee, the D.C. Office of Planning is hosting a series of informal forums to explore these questions.  These discussions will bring together groups of 12 to 15 residents to share their experiences and ideas.  Thoughts shared in these discussions groups will help the Office of Planning improve how we reach out to residents during planning processes, give us a better idea of what issues to focus on, and inform how we develop our upcoming Citizen Planner initiative. 

Please provide us with the following information and submit it to the Office of Planning no later than August 8, 2012 to be considered.  If you are selected to participate in a focus group you will be contacted by August 13, 2012.

1.     Name:
2.     Contact Information:  (phone number, or email address)
3.     Ward where you live:
4.     How long have you lived in the District of Columbia?
5.     Have you ever attended a community meeting or participated in a community organization and/ or activity?

Deborah L. Crain Kemp, CPM
Neighborhood Planner, Ward 5
DC Office of Planning
1100 4th Street, SW
Suite E650
Washington, DC  20024
202.442.7615 phone
Visit the DC Office of Planning on Facebook and on Twitter @OPinDC

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