
Sunday, July 29, 2012

knock on the door from a Dunbar High School Band fundraising solicitor -- scam or not?

Dear All,

Wanted to let you know that we had a knock on our door this evening from a guy claiming to be part of the Dunbar High School Band... he was looking for donations in an attempt to raise $950 for a trip to a competition (ultimately they were he was trying to get to Jamaica).  He looked much older than high school... so something seemed strange.  About a month ago we also had another kid ask for support because he was part of the Cardozo High School Band (looking to go on the same/similar trip)... he looked high school age.  Anyway... this guy left without much hassle on my end, but I called police right afterwards.  I am almost certain this is a scam and there were other motives for him knocking on my door... so my hope is that:

1) if anyone has a similar experience please call the police right away
2) would love for someone to prove me wrong, and that these requests are legitimate... but my gut says they are not

This happened at 3rd and R NW.


  1. Cardozo solicitor was on Quincy Pl NE last night (28 Jul) trying to get to Jamaica, and Dunbar solicitor was on Quincy Pl NE tonight (29 Jul) trying to get to Rockefeller Center in NY.

  2. sounds like a confirmed FAKE. DONT GIVE MONEY. CALL POLICE.

  3. I am a teacher at Dunbar. I've asked my principal whether we're having any such fundraiser. I doubt it. We didn't have a band for a couple of years and even then I saw kids trying to pull this scam in front of Whole Foods. They're not Dunbar kids and they're not telling the truth.

  4. In or six years here this is approx the third time I've heard of this scam. Good job on calling the cops.

  5. Yesterday there was a young man on Quincy Pl. NW whose claim was New York THEN Jamaica. I called the school this morning to ask. The receptionist put me on hold to attempt to reach the band director. She then got back on line and said "that's a negative."

  6. I just got an email from the Principal at Dunbar, Stephen Jackson. He said the fundraiser is not legit. Do not give any of those kids money.

  7. Thanks for following up djtansey. Commander Solberg has also be informed of this issue.

  8. FYI, this is happening again. The police said they were sending a unit -- between 7th & 6th and Q NW.
