
Saturday, July 28, 2012

McMillan LDA before DC Council on 09/19 (not really); McMillan HPRB hearing #2 on 09/27/2012

At today`s Vision McMillan Partners (VMP) McMillan meeting held at St. George's Episcopal Church, VMP's Anne Corbett mentioned that the McMillan Land Disposition Agreement (LDA) would be going before the DC Council on Wednesday, September 19, 2012.  Actually, it would be the first time the McMillan LDA will go before the DC Council. 

And Anne Corbett also mentioned that the date of the next DC Historic Preservation Review Board (HPRB) hearing on McMillan has been set for Thursday, September 27, 2012.

And here is a correction from John Salatti: "The DC Council will not be considering the McMillan project in September. What is happening is that At-Large Councilmember Michael Brown, the chair of the Economic Development Committee, will be having a roundtable discussion on the development of McMillan. At this time, his committee is neither considering the LDA nor any action item concerning McMillan."          

And this is Anne Corbett of Vision McMillan Partners.

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